Elteria Adventures Wiki

Polymorph - a special ability, given by the Polymorphic Deck of the Sharper. Also, it is one of the Beelemo's abilities.

File:Ability polymorph icon.png

Polymorph Ability Icon.

The Polymorph Effect turns players and creatures within a radius into random mobs for 5 seconds.

The list includes:

No abilities can be used in the transformed state. Movement speed is defined by the new form.

Turns user and all enemies within a 5 meter radius into random mobs for 5 seconds.

Radius: 5 meters

Duration: 5 seconds
Ability Icon Polymorph
Energy cost: 20%
Cast time: 1.0 s
Cooldown: 30 s


List of mobs: Beelemo, Watermello, Boarmelon, Skeleton, Pumpkin, Simple Gem, Stone. No abilities can be used in the transformed state. Movement speed is defined by the new form.
